Amazing tribute to Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana, at the same time, A Mana Trigger album by SRMusic

Amazing tribute to Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana, at the same time, A Mana Trigger album by SRMusic


A stunning series of arrangements of music from the classic role playing games Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana. The album is masterfully done, and will move you to your nostalgic core as you think about some of the greatest moments in those two games as Sébastien Ridé performs classic themes on piano. 

My personal favorites are any time something from Chrono Trigger is played, as I am not nearly as familiar with the catalogue of music from the Secret of Mana series. I expect several people to scold me for that fact after this post.

If you enjoy the album as much as I did, you can purchase it via loudr starting at $5.

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