All tagged Kirby

The soaring sounds of adventure in Phenomenal Star-Force by Tekkaxe

Talk about a wonderful surprise of an album. If there is a game series I love for it's infectious, upbeat arrangements, it's definitely the Kirby games. Tekkaxe channels his inner Jun Ishikawa & Hirokazu Ando along with a touch of super hero lore, and uses that power to create an adventurous and eclectic album. Too bad this isn't a video game, now I'm a little bummed. This album will cheer me right up though, so I'm going to listen again!

Kirby's Liberation Service, an electronic Kirby Super Star tribute EP by DaMonz

An intense dive into the music of Kirby Super Star. Jun Ishikawa became an instant favorite game composer thanks to his work on this classic Kirby game. DaMonz throws down a short but intense EP, taking on a variety of classic themes, most of which appear in the ten minute epic, Fluffball Rampage! With an awesome title track like that, I imagine the US release of this Roxanne Chartrand artwork will get the 'angry eyes'