All tagged Super Mario Bros. 3

Super Mario Movie Music Video - Super Mario Bros. Rap by Mode 7

Super Mario, the plumber behind Mario Kart, Mario Golf, and now the Super Mario Movie! Mode 7 pays tribute to the man behind the mustache, in anticipation of the new Super Mario Bros Movie. The nerdcore hip hop style of Mode 7’s rap on top of remixed video game music makes the perfect track to get hyped up and take a nostalgia trip on some of Super Mario’s many memorable moments.

Pipe Land, the latest single from the new 777 Mixtape, references Super Mario games from Arcade Donkey Kong all the way up to Super Mario Odyssey on Nintendo Switch. This video game rap music video brings a wealth of classic references to the many highlights and some hidden secrets in the Mario Bros universe.

The toy that haunts me - Super Mario Bros Pixel Pals

By and large, these Pixel Pal toys are pretty lame. Most of the items in the now defunct Pixel Pals line were just boring recolors of Mega Man sprites. Understandable from a cost perspective, but drab and boring if you actually plan on convincing people to want to have multiple toy lamps in their home…