All in Album Releases

SNACK, the incredible chiptune rock debut by Linnani Vaanija

I heard of this album because I was tagged on Twitter. Not even @'ed. Just tagged. Don't matter though. Get me your album somehow. Doesn't have to be a classy PR letter. Just make sure I know about it. So without much more info than that though, this didn't exactly shoot to the top of my must listen list. During a shuffle through the latest albums I've got here, the Track “Abyss” popped up. It starts off slow, but then BAM, once it really kicked off,  I had to stop what I was doing, writing an earlier episode of this, and say, 'what the H is this?” The H it's Linanni Vaanija. Grab the album for ten euro, and you should. 


LONELYROLLINGSTARS. One word. All capitals too, by the way. I am both a fan of this band and of the people in this band as individuals. Ailsean, Cubosh, finbeard, norg, Mega Beardo. Their album is up for free download on bandcamp, or grab the album on a gaudy USB slap bracelet. I wish I had one to show off, but no one sends me anything. Good. This album is as eclectic, and decadent as the name suggests. It's a very filling album. There's a lot happening. LONELYROLLINGSTARS. They make the best song cover choices. Gauntlet, Gitaroo Man, and the one I'm highlighting here, a tribute to the weird, had to have played it as a kid to get it N64 title, Mystical Ninja 64. Make sure you check this one out!