Buy an outragously priced button, get a free CD! i.e. Re-issue of My Parent's Favorite Music's debut album on sale!

You heard right, after hearing about former Band of the Month MPFM oh so long ago, they finally re-printed their debut album ©®@~Z Mystery for the masses to purchase in er...masses. The album was originally made in 2002, and in this latest printing has about 100 copies to sell through. Each copy shall also be numbered and signed by Steffo and Stellar. This will certainly help your case when telling all your friends that you were down with My Parent's Favorite Music before they were big.

The only way to get an album though? That's simple. Buy one of their buttons for what amounts to highway robbery at five bucks and you get the CD for the low low price of free along with said button. Perhaps selling the album for five smackeroons, then throwing in a free button may have been a better idea. Though what do I know? I'm no businessman.

Either way, get the album and button combo by heading over to MPFM's myspace page at

PS. That's the fanciest banner I've ever seen!

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Chromelodeon's last show EVER!