5 Bands to Check Out This Week

I've decided to make a semi-regular article in where every couple weeks I'll give you a quick list of bands, artists or albums I have been listening to lately. It's pretty self explanatory. I list five bands, then I demand you check out those bands as well!

Thanks to Jephso, I have been listening to plenty of The Depreciation Guild lately. They have the brand new album In Her Gentle Jaws up for free download at inhergentlejaws.com

Shawn Phase AKA Temp Sound Solutions has released plenty of new songs on his myspace page. I am definitely in love with his cover of UN Squadron, especially that little "chat" in the middle of the song. Head over to his myspace to hear all the great new stuff he's been working on!

Elfonso has released a new album (as stated earlier). I'm still giving that plenty of my time. If you haven't downloaded their new album Tako Wa Chikyu O Suku, then you have to stop dawdling and get it!

I have recently ran across an amazing band on Myspace going by the moniker 8-bit Duane and The Amazing BrandO (or The Adventures of Duane and Brand0, they can't be confined to one name). Once you hear their two song Mega Man epic, you'll definitely be hooked.

Finally, I have been hooked on one new song recently posted on OCRemix entitled Last Night a DJ Kidnapped Mallow by Skrypnyk. The song is a cover of Mallow's Sad Song from Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars. Anyone who knows me knows that I consider Super Mario RPG the greatest game EVER made. You can download this amazing song at this link.

Child's Play Charity Auction!

Elfonso - Tako Wa Chikyu O Suku release