So MAGFest is over, and everyone who attended (which did not include me, sadly) can die happy, or more likely could go into hibernation until the build up to MAGFest VII starts heating up. Anyway, There is a ton of footage from the festival, I'm only posting a mere sampler of the smorgasbord of amazing things that went down this year. There are of course tons of stories, and anecdotes from this year that will come out in due time as people slowly recover.
One of my favorite anecdotes currently is from Paragon from theshizz forums.
Lots of great memories from this year.Watching Hale and Pongball step out of the elevator and have such an amusingly puzzled look on their faces as this complete stranger smiles and waves at them like they're old friends.
Seeing spamtron, shouting "SPAMTRON!" and he shouts back "I LOVE YOU!" and hugs me and then asks me who I am. And then later, talking to him (or maybe more like being talked to by him).
Check out this handy thread for a ton of footage from MAGFest VI. I will probably be making another post like this one, when some more cool footage comes rolling in, so if you have some awesome MAGFest VI footage, hit up theshizz thread or send it my way!
Thanks to Kareshi from theshizz for gathering all the MAGFest media all in one place. Thanks to Sunny, Hale-Bopp and Pongball's photographs which I stole for this post. Shawn Phase for linking me to some cool footage, and all the folks who took some awesome footage and tossed it up on youtube! Here is that sampler of footage I spoke of earlier!

Select Start performing FF7 track
Sam, Mustin, Shawn Phase @ Jamspace
OCR doing "Carmen Sandiego" @ Jamspace
Arm Cannon - "Tecmo Super Bowl" from stage