Awesome new pals at La Rock Inc. Records announced a while back an EPIC compilation known as Necker Cube 2 which will see release April 8th. An album with an array of amazing and eclectic artists that just has to be seen, though just to name drop a few, Leeni, Dual Core, Square Wail, and of course Johnny La Rock and Mush Mouth. Well they have even more news about this highly anticipated compilation, just read the words straight from La Rock himself.
We're only a month away from the release of La Rock Inc. Records Necker Cube 2 compilation CD! Each week, from here until the release, we'll add a new batch of tunes from the disc to our Myspace Music Player. These tracks won't be available to download, just to listen to.Batch One - which is up NOW - includes:
Ceschi & David Ramos "You Killed Rock & Roll"
MC Homeless "The Winter Song"
Johnny La Rock "Reincarnation"
FURFACE "Krime & Justice"
Deaf By Arms F/ Johnny La Rock & Mush Mouth "Sleazy's Cut"
Swordplay F/ Domer "Teletelevision"To hear these songs now, visit MYSPACE. COM/LAROCKINCRECORDS
If you like what you hear, be sure to pass the word along! Remember, they're only up for a week at a time - so keep checking back to hear the next round.
You heard him! Listen to these very awesome tracks. Seriously, I am hooked on each and every one of them. SO, listen to the songs on their myspace page right now! Then go spread the word!