Do you love The Megas as much as us at GM4A do? Do you wish you could get inside their heads and understand how they make the great music they do? Or perhaps you wish to know what lies ahead for these amazing VG rockers. Well if you've ever asked yourself these questions, you are in luck! Our good pal Kenley over at the Into the Score podcast has just released his latest episode, which is a full 45 minute episode dedicated to The Megas and their newest album Get Equipped. You can listen and download the latest episode at this link! I'll let Kenley explain some more about the podcast!
Recorded on March 20th, 2008, this interview between “Into the Score” and “The Megas” chronicles the journey from the first track of the VGM rock band’s epic and monumental album “Get Equipped” to its release and crowd response! The album covers nearly every track from Capcom’s late-80s release, “Mega Man 2″ and is performed with cutting musical accuracy and polished with clean production in the band’s own “Dr. Light Studios.”In this discussion, we talk about the band’s creative process, their performances, styles of writing and the eases and trials of the album, from start to finish! We also hear some of the tracks from start to finish, which is really nice!
So remember, if interested, hit up the proper update or subscribe to the podcast!