8 Bit Boys - 8 Bit Diagrams album release

I am absurdly and embarrassingly late on this one. Some time back Entity, TYT, The Ranger, and YTCracker all came together to create The 8 Bit Boys. Upon their formation they created and released the amazing 8 Bit Diagrams. download the free version in the Rhymetorrents thread here, or head to the official site to purchase the full pressed album with a ton more amazing songs.

The entire album is amazing catchy video game oriented rap over classic NES tunes. They cover all the things gamers go through like when playing games make you miss work in Late Gamer. Not to mention talking about playing through the pain of hours of gaming and broken consoles in two of my favorite tracks on the album, 8 Bit Blisters and Faulty Console respectively. Every song on this album is incredibly catchy and will definitely hit home for every hardcore gamer. This album is well worth a purchase. I can assure you it will be in your rotation for a long time to come. Once again head over to 8bitboys.com and grab a copy right now!

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II release double EP from Phlogiston