I Got Next documentary now taking music submissions

Some fine folks with their ear to the fighting game community have no doubt heard of I Got Next. A documentary based on different members of the professional fighting game tournaments that take place all around the country and more. Well I am happy to announce that as the feature length version of the film gets ready for release, creator, Ian Cofino has announced that he is looking to the online video game inspired music community to help create the soundtrack for this documentary!

To take part in the project you can head right over to igotnextmovie.com/music.html to get the full scoop about song criteria and everything. Best of luck to all artists who create and contribute music to this project!

Also included below is the official press release for the soundtrack announcement.

“I Got Next” is a documentary film on the fighting game scene that started as my Senior Project at Purchase College, School of Art + Design. I originally envisioned a very small project, but as I traveled and became more involved with the scene, the documentary grew as well. I Got Next follows four prominent players, Justin Wong, Ryan "Gootecks" Gutierrez, Joe "iloveu" Ciaramelli and Mike Ross through their experiences in the fighting game scene.

Thanks to the generous community of players and film supporters (through Kickstarter.com), I have obtained additional funding to pay for travel expenses, equipment costs, and a new computer to edit and produce the feature length cut of the film.

Because “I Got Next” has been a community driven project on a shoestring budget, I would like to extend an invitation to everyone in the online music community to participate in a collaboration for the film's soundtrack. I am holding open submissions for musicians to send their arrangements to a panel of judges for a chance to be used in the film. Every artist is encouraged to take part (VG inspired, Nerdcore, Hip-Hop, Rock, Electronic, etc.)

Submissions will be open until Spring 2010.

The short cut of “I Got Next” has been shown at Gallery Nucleus in Pasadena, CA, and gaming conventions across the country such as PAX (the Penny Arcade Expo), one of the largest gaming expos in the world. It has even been featured on prominent mainstream gaming sites like “G4TV,” “the Escapist Magazine,” and “Joystiq” as well as documentary sites such as the “Submarine Channel”. The “short cut” of the film has been downloaded, in total from various sites across the internet, over 30,000 times.

I wish to thank the gaming and film community for your generous support of my film. Without your help, I would not be at this stage of development.

Please visit http://www.igotnextmovie.com/music.html for additional information and to submit your music.

- Ian Cofino

Letters VS Numbers episode 020: "Plot Leaks!"

Nerd Invasion - November 6-7 2009 Pensacola, Florida