Welcome to the possibly best episode ever! Sound wise at least! This is Letters VS Numbers episode 023: "I Hope You Like Bodily Functions (and pokemon)". We discuss such heady topics as zombie hordes, PAX East, and how often the average person needs to make use of "the facilities." We also have lots of brand new songs from the likes of Action Adventure World vs ThePlasmas, The Megas, not to mention an exclusive track from Shael Riley and The Double Ice Backfire!
Remember that you can follow us and keep up to date on our blog and podcast at twitter.com/lversusn! Also remember to check us out on youtube at youtube.com/user/lversusn and facebook at facebook.com/lettersvsnumbers. Finally, to discuss the show with other fans, join the new LvN forums at gamemusic4all.com/forums
Send questions, praise, feedback, suggestions, etc to lettersvsnumberspodcast AT gmail DOT com
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