Doc Awk is back! Since his huge hit, "Next Gen", this man has been on a Nerdcore rocket ship that continues flying towards the stars. His name is continuing to spread through out the Nerdcore community and his fan base gets bigger and bigger. Signing on with Scrub Club Records, multiple collabs, shows, etc, this rapper is making his mark! And now it's here, the album we've all been anticipating! "Unlimited" is a new shot for all his patients. It'll kick your music taste into shape with his hot tracks that talk on women, gaming, women, kung fu (and how it's better than yours), gaming, and more women!
Now let's talk about some of my personal favorites on this album. My first most favorite has got to be "DualShAwks". This track has a legit beat and a lot of attitude. It takes huge pride in being a nerd and what it means to be 1337. The Doc tells his audience simply "Here I am, take me on". Great beat, great flow, one of my definite favorite Nerdcore-in-general tracks. My next fave goes to "Joystick". This track cracked me up! The obvious innuendo (of course) made me laugh but the story behind it too about a nerd who loses his girl and his job because of gaming gave a good chuckle too. Just an all around enjoyable track. Now my third one is tough to choose. A lot of you readers might think it be "Be My" with it having Final Fantasy used in the track but I'm partial to "Otaku Girl", another nerd love song about a gamer falling for an Anime fan girl using various Animes/Manga references. Both tracks fill my heart with so much glee, it's hard to choose. So I'll cheat and say both are my third favorite(s)!
This album is a great addition to any Nerdcore music collection (or to any music collection for that matter!). I recommend it to all you otaku loving, video game playing, and/or "Timid" nerds out there who are thirsting for some new Nerdcore music to sing along to on loop! You can get "Unlimited" here! Download it now and get amped up for what more will come in the future!