Gamewave Podcast have their second show up now, definitely check them out. and if you have iTunes be sure to subscribe to it.
Free Fourth of July show Stars and Bits Forever in Brooklyn, New York. Starring Random, Mark Denardo, and Anamanaguchi.

Armcannon Also has some new shows coming up in New York on July 14th and 29th. Armcannon, as well as TypeA have some new shirt designs for sale as well. With Armcannon’s shirt going for $10 at shows and online store sales coming soon afterwards. TypeA’s shirts will be selling for $15 and must be contacted for purchases.

(Armcannon and TypeA t-shirt designs)
X Unit 17 has four all new video game remixes up including a personal favorite of mine, the battle theme from Golden Sun. Also songs from Mega Man X, X2 and 5. Moogle Charm has released a new song you can download entitled The Hare and Hounds.
In more touring news, Nintendo has decided to take their newest handheld, the DS Lite on the road, you can found out more information at Nintendo’s Official site.
Chiptune artist Animal Syle has been featured on for his 8 Bit Fuzz Pedal mod, just head on over to, go to Feature Artists and check out Joey Mariano.
Temp Sound Solutions is running one sweet deal right now. Here’s the info straight from him, ”I've got a bunch of copies of Now Youre Playing With Powar 1-2 and copies of 5 left, not so many of 3 and 4, but i need to sell these cd's i printed up, so for the next week, if you guys want, you can go to my webpage and order NYPWP 5, my 70 song video game cover CD, and get THREE CD's for $6, if you order them between now and Saturday..of course if you feel so inclined you can give a few extra bucks for shipping or whatever, but the 3 cd's for $6 rule applies until the end of the month. To clarify, if you want to get copies of NYPWP, NYPWP 2, and NYPWP 5, for $ is the time. until the end of the month. Paypal only. just click on the link on the webpage, and you have to make sure you say "YARRRRR" in the misc info field.” -Temp Sound Solutions
P.S. Corey and Jake have been on vacation the past couple days, and should be back soon. I hope you guys had a great time!