All tagged chiptune

Mode 7 performing February 1st in Fullerton, CA at The Continental Room: opening for Jüne and Mellow Lando, nerdcore chiptune hip hop rap concert

Get your tickets now! Through this link! Enjoy the video game rap of Mode 7 live in Fullerton, California. Show up to the Continental Room when doors open at 8PM on Wednesday, February 1st and enjoy hip hop from Mode 7, opening for the dope rap of Jüne and the laid back chiptune rock rap hybrid that is Mellow Lando!

Wed to the Carcass and Vulture Cycle - new music from NESMETAL

Wed to the Carcass and Vulture Cycle is the debut track from NESMETAL's forthcoming release, THE RIVER UNTO THE END. NESMETAL gets some strong emotions out of these chip sounds. You can really feel the full metal band behind the sounds. The full album drops on the NESMETAL Bandcamp this winter.

We've got a four minute banger that builds intensely all the way to the final moments. That doesn't mean this song starts out soft though. The sonic assault happens the moment you hit play with the full ensemble of a heavy metal bands worth of chipmetal. The music sounds extremely close, almost claustrophobic, like being trapped inside a dark, grisly dungeon. Yet the jackhammer drums and bass that power the song have that rusted industrial feel to them. The mixture between that and the longer notes of the “guitar” build around one another, constantly shifting, like a boss battle where the enemy keeps changing forms. The song finally reaches it's peak at about 3:45 before fading out and ending with a few stray drum crashes. It’ll be a few months before we get to hear what this track leads into next, as the full release won’t be out until later this year. Until then you can listen to this track on the Wed to the Carcass and Vulture Cycle song page at the NESMETAL Bandcamp.