Psychonauts 10th Anniversary Week continues w/ MazeDude tribute 'Psychotic Censors'

Psychonauts 10th Anniversary Week continues w/ MazeDude tribute 'Psychotic Censors'

A haunting rearrangement of Peter McConnell's theme 'The Censors Unleashed'

As with any great game, Psychonauts has inspired plenty of artists in its wake. One of those is MazeDude, a stellar musician and prolific video game remixer. Many of MazeDude's tracks are easily recognizable for the eclectic sounds and instruments used in them. His tribute to Peter McConnell and the Psychonauts soundtrack is no different. A driving piano centers an array of industrial sounds. The result is a dark journey through sound, very fitting of the more disturbing moments of Psychonauts.

Psychotic Censors [Psychonauts]
Mazedude (from the abum Zombies Rocked My Neighbors)

MazeDude's track can be found both on the Bad Dudes album Zombies Rocked My Neighbors, and on OCReMix as remix #1638.

Did you consider Psychonauts a funny, or dark game? The game certainly had plenty of both in the variety of levels, sometimes at the same time. Do you think there are other video games that have the same mood and tone as Psychonauts?

Zalza has released his new album Superposition!

Zalza has released his new album Superposition!

Psychonauts 10 Year Anniversary Week begins with the original soundtrack

Psychonauts 10 Year Anniversary Week begins with the original soundtrack