All by genoboost

Retro Game Wednesdays at Fusion Bar & Kitchen in Los Angeles - Video Game Night, Karaoke, Open Mic, Video Games and Live Music

Retro Game Wednesdays at Fusion Bar & Kitchen in El Monte, RSVP on the Retro Game Wednesdays Eventbrite Page, and follow on for event info!

Game Music 4 All presents a night of nerdy fun! If you’re feeling nostalgic, or want to get a glimpse into the world of retrogaming. If you want to enjoy live video game music and local performers. If you want to get on stage and perform. If you want to have a great Wednesday night in El Monte, then this is where you want to be!

Retro consoles available for free play! Open stage for musicians and performers with Open Mic and Karaoke! Vendors and artists with unique products! Delicious food and drinks thanks to Fusion Bar & Kitchen!

Retro Game Wednesdays at Fusion Bar & Kitchen in El Monte, California. A night of music and video games near Los Angeles

Retro Game Wednesdays at Fusion Bar & Kitchen in El Monte, follow on for event info!

Game Music 4 All presents a night of nerdy fun! If you’re feeling nostalgic, or want to get a glimpse into the world of retrogaming. If you want to enjoy live video game music and local performers. If you want to get on stage and perform. If you want to have a great Wednesday night in El Monte, then this is where you want to be!

Retro consoles available for free play! Open stage for musicians and performers with Open Mic and Karaoke! Vendors and artists with unique products! Delicious food and drinks thanks to Fusion Bar & Kitchen!

GOLD COUNTRY - Banjo Kazooie Soundtrack Tribute Remix Album by Video Game Rapper Mode 7

Mode 7 is back and more grizzled than ever with this Banjo Kazooie tribute album! Gold Country is 23 tracks of Banjo Kazooie raps, remixes, beats, bars, and bears! Oh my!

This album is a tribute to the fans that have recently discovered the game, along with those long time lovers of the bird and bear, who remember getting the game all the way back in 1998. The album is also Mode 7’s way of looking back on his first year of live performances, along with a look at what the future holds!

From classics like the Banjo Kazooie Main Theme, and Click Clock Woods to more obscure tracks like Bad Magic Bayou from Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty’s Revenge, or the Golden Feather theme from Banjo-Pilot, Mode 7 mixes it all together into one cohesive album from the perspective of a rapping bear straight out of the backwoods of California!

Can you collect every collectible, and uncover every secret in GOLD COUNTRY?

Indie Music in El Monte, CA. April 3rd at the new Fusion Bar and Kitchen

Join us for a free concert at Fusion Bar and Kitchen, the brand new hot spot in El Monte! Starting at 7PM will be a night of incredible music from several indie artists, along with the always delicious food and great drinks of Fusion.

The night will feature the original music of Lilybird Starr, Ivory Rose, Impossible Stars, Steel Maggie, and Moon Root.

Doors Open 7PM
Show starts 7:30PM
Fusion Bar and Kitchen
11672 Ramona Blvd El Monte, CA 91732

Read on to find more info about the artists!