Check out Matt Bollenbach's VG rock EP 'Of Castles, Hometowns, Jungles & Danger
Legend of Zelda, Secret of Mana, Metal Gear, and Final Fantasy V? In four tracks, Bollenbach definitely makes the right choices. Get down to these intense rock remixes of classic Nintendo and Super Nintendo themes. I'm especially a huge fan of the MG Jungle cover on this EP.
“It’s about time, right? Sorry for the delay...not that I think anyone was checking their computer every day to see if I had a new release or anything.
This EP is 2 new songs and 2 songs from my first album revisited. I really enjoyed the format of this album. Its given me the ability to play with some new songs but also fix things that have been on my mind for years. I’ll probably have another release or two very similar to this.”