CVIII no Densetsu or whatever by Kirby Pufocia
A horrible night for curses and junk
“this is a long labor of love.
someone said, “it worked”
someone else said “now we are all sons of bitches”
tl;dr - i got tired of deciding between the US and JPN versions of this soundtrack, so i made one using the bones of broth. both, i mean.
this is the result of several hundreds of hours staring at a computer screen blasting nes music into my ears, adjusting sliders, cutting and pasting, drooling, and sending the results out to countless people to tell me what sounds bad because this album made me deaf.
welcome to this page, i have written a lot of long, stupid, rambling words about almost every track, which you’ll find in each individual “info” page. if you care at all about the technical aspects then by all means! there’s also jokes if you don’t! i wrote a lot of words. please somebody read them.
thanks for listening. CV is a trademark of konami, or whatever. you probably knew that.”