The Belmonts mysterious debut tribute to Castlevania, the '(Cassette EP)'
the belmonts
It's been a long time since I talked about new music by The Megas… and it's going to be a long time yet. The Belmonts debut with a three track EP telling a tale of vampires and violence. Why did I even bring up the Megas actually?
One thing I am seriously kicking myself over is that this album dropped less than a day before I recorded my SUBCON podcast tribute to Castlevania. Of course the full on wall of rock that The Belmonts drop are far from the norm on SUBCON, I'd have made it work.
The Belmonts rearrange "Bloody Tears" from Simon's Quest, as well as two solid gold classics by Kinuyo Yamashita, "Out of Time" and "Heart of Fire" from the original Castlevania soundtrack. Great timing on the album of course, what with Castlevania celebrating it's 30 Anniversary on September 26.
“A mysterious demo tape recently arrived at Dr. Light Studios.
Wrapped in parchment and sealed with wax, the only correspondence included with the cassette was a note reading:
Release me.
-The Belmonts
Could it be, this fabled band is more than just a rumor? Tales of an obscure outfit hailing from Romania have followed us like a phantom - doppelgängers from another place and time whose sound and story are eerily similar to our own...
Who are we to reject their request? We digitized the tape, and here are the results.
The Megas present: The Belmonts.”