'Console Wars' the nostalgia infused hip hop mashup mixtape by 8-Bit Mullet
Take some classic commercials, and a smattering of mashups and remixes from a few catchy artists, and you get 8-Bit Mullet's Console Wars, a 30 minute mix of classic VGM and hip hop verses.
“Console Wars is my first mixtape recorded live (mostly) using Serato software. The theme calls me back to a time when Sega Genesis and Nintendo commercials were going back and forth with the vigor and mudslinging of a presidential campaign. It includes a curation of nintendo remixes and video game remixes, and several video game mashups of my own device.
I took this mixtape as an opportunity to practice DJing live using Serato and my Akai AMX & AFX, and make sure my live shows in Richmond, VA, will be a blast for everyone who comes out when I’m playing.
released August 19, 2016
Remix/Mashup Artists Included:
Botanic Sage
Skratch Bastid
Safety Words
Video Game Soundtracks Featured:
Animal Crossing
Street Fighter 2: Turbo Edition
The Legend of Zelda
Donkey Kong Country
Gargoyle’s Quest
Sonic the Hedgehog
Nintendo Mii Channel
Mario Galaxy”