lofi music video tribute to OMEGA: A Tribute to Xenogears rearrangement October Mermaid by Michael Hoffmann, Sean Schafianski
I decided to make some lofi 480p music videos for some of my favorite video game music rearrangements. I’m kicking things off with classic music from Yasunori Mitsuda and the PSX RPG Xenogears. The track October Mermaid is respectfully rearranged by Michael Hoffman with Sean Schafianski. Music is from the album OMEGA: A Tribute to Xenogears, presented by Materia Collective, and released December 2018.
Lofi music video for the Xenogears rearrangement October Mermaid by Michael Hoffmann and Sean Schafianski for the OMEGA: A Tribute to Xenogears from Materia Collective. Released 2018. https://www.materiacollective.com/music/omega-a-tribute-to-xenogears