Nophi Recordings - 99 Problems (But a Chip Ain't One) chiptune compilation
An epic collection of chiptunery across the board. This time, Nophi gather chiptuners to bust out some original tunes in their 2012 compilation 99 Problems (But a Chip Ain't One). Gritty to pop, straight chip to chip infused, this compilation covers a swath of styles for those 2A03 loving, Game Boy rocking, FM soundchip banging chiptune fans out there.
“We’ve always had a dangerous love affair with video games. Nophi’s first logo was actually a riff on the Atari logo, and we’ve been borrowing from video game culture ever sinse. It’s safe to say that Nophi would not exist — at least not in the same capacity — without influence from the gaming world.
Last year, we entered our name into the chiptune/vg music hat with a compilation of classic chiptune covers known as Eightest Bits. The project was so much fun, that we just had to have another go at it in 2012. This time, however, the compositions would need to be originals!
We certainly wanted to pay respect to the “hardcore” chiptuners, but also highlight composers who employ elements of chipmusic alongside broader instrumentation. Therefore, we opted not to limit the tracks on this compilation by the equipment used to create it. What we ended up with was an excellent cross-section of compositions ranging from Gameboy bangers, to slickly-produced “crossover” tunes.
We seriously can’t thank the artists who participated in this project enough, and we hope you enjoy this collection as much as we do, because we feel it’s right up there with the most awesome things we’ve ever done! ”