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Looking forward to making music with the Super MIDI Pak

I've been highly interested in this ‘Super MIDI Pak’ ever since the moment I heard of it's development. At first I really wanted one as a collector of Super Nintendo memorabelia, a strange music cartridge is right up my alley. A strange cartridge that only has a small production run and can be used for music. Now that is a brick right through my window.

That Advance Wars Reboot That is Coming Out One Day

Okay, since Advance Wars is delayed, again, I still have time to write this article, and then postpone it, because I wouldn't want to offend anybody in these troubling times.

Pack it up boys, I didn't want to have to do this to some decent folks but sometimes I got to bring the tough love. What the hell, I sound like a bad TV drama.

Splatoon 3 incoming September 9th, 2022

I have no discourse about this game. Splatoon 2 is the most played game on my Nintendo Switch, so I just felt I had to say something about the upcoming sequel. I'm mostly a single player game kind of gamer, so my love for this game came as quite a surprise, considering I live and breathe the online and have rarely touched the single player mode since the game was fresh.

One Credit Review: Atomic Punk

The title 'Atomic Punk' sounds way more awesome than the off brand Irem made port of Bomberman this game actually is. I wasn't expecting such a well known console game to pop up in a random sampling of MAME emulated arcade games. I was hoping for a new gameplay experience, and I have experienced plenty of bomber men in my life. I actually did get a new experience though. I had the chance to learn what Bomberman would be, if it was bad.

The toy that haunts me - Super Mario Bros Pixel Pals

By and large, these Pixel Pal toys are pretty lame. Most of the items in the now defunct Pixel Pals line were just boring recolors of Mega Man sprites. Understandable from a cost perspective, but drab and boring if you actually plan on convincing people to want to have multiple toy lamps in their home…

Yoshi's Story's commercial is dripping with attitude

This is a commercial for 1998 N64 release Yoshi's Story, the most maligned of many maligned sequels to the classic Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. This is also smack dab in the middle of the 'Get 'N' or Get Out!' campaign. Personally one of my favorite ad campaigns from Nintendo, although that isn't saying much, considering this is Nintendo advertising we are talking about…