JANKENPOPP's new chiptune album Teh Art Of Party Trolling available now
Party glitch music
The album isn't available to stream in full apparently (wack) but the album is free to download (cool!) You can get acquainted with The Art of Party Trolling with the opening track, "Teh Lulz"
“I started with Game Boy music around 2007, at this time there was no smartphones, tablets or whatever and Game Boy was (and I think still is) the ultimate pocket music tool for party trolling. Back in the days I was squatting around Easter Europe and parting mostly every night. My favourite game was to try to play at every party I would go, so I used to ask every Dj I met: “Hey bro can I play some super Mario music after your track? Pleeeeease!”
The nostalgic guy usually said yes before to realize I was actually trolling ultra-happy-rave-core-music into the speakers, driving people instantly nut and party rocking next level for 1 or 2 tracks before somebody kicked me out LOL. Long story short, this is my first Game Boy album, did it for Teh Lulz & hope you enjoy it!
Tracks composed by Jankenpopp on LSDJ between 2010 and 2015. Performed live through a Kaosspad and a midas vintage console on 12th February 2015.”