Invalids & an0va combine in the chiptune/rock 'Permutation EP'
Chiptuned rock, rocked out chiptunes
“This split album was born of the idea of chiptune/traditional-rock cross-over, whereupon each artist would write a new song for the album and subsequently cover the other’s.
Invalids creates music with both hands on multiple stringed instruments, which allows for lush arrays of notes at any given time. an0va creates music using a Nintendo Gameboy, which is limited to producing only four simultaneous sounds at any given time. Thus the covers of the other artist’s tracks must manipulate the original arrangements accordingly. The an0va cover of Invalids’ song must distill the most important four simultaneous notes throughout. The Invalids cover of an0va’s song must expand upon the original limited note set.
The “Permutation EP” is so-called in culmination of common themes of mathematics and statistics in each artist’s musical ethos, such that the album credits in the set of [composed by, performed by] form a permutation.”