Urban Flow's latest album of remixes and originals, Melodic Bumps Vol. 4
A humble collection of hot beats
As I write this, and take my initial listen of the album, I am not quite sure exactly which songs are originals, and which are remixes and covers (except for an epic Doom remix). This means I have failed the challenge set forth by Urban Flow, the album's creator. I think I might get a better score with some repeated listens. Those listens are happening. It doesn't matter though, because any of the songs that aren't in a game (or anime, etc), could certainly stand among some of the best.
From the remixes I do recognize, there is an unbelievable Mystic Cave Zone remix from Sonic The Hedgehog 2. That is my personal favorite theme from the Sonic series(Escape from the City is #2). Even as a person who actively seeks out remixes of this track, I haven't heard a take on it quite like this before. Not game related, even if I had games based on it for the PS2 and GBA, the YuYu Hakusho remix hits all the right Nostalgia buttons, while still getting me pumped for a battle. "Time to Fight definitely makes it onto my fighting game music playlist (although this whole album makes it on the list, technically).
“Volume 4. In this one I deliver 17 original compositions. Can you spot them all? Shouts out to all the fam who support my jams.”